Get from Marina Aci Pomer (Croatia) to Trieste Airport, transfer by taxi or minivan

Usually to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport you have options like, tram, bus, train, taxi, chaufferur (private taxi or private minivan), ride sharing or rent a car.

To get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport by private taxi or by private minivan with Christian Transfers, you can see below the type of cars available, the travel time and the prices (Private taxis & private minivans are with price per car).

Select your option with a simple click on the radio button near the car and then click the big gray button "Submit your car and go to next step".

The price to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport by a Private Taxi is 321.1 and it should take about minutes.
Private Taxi

Private Taxi ?

  • Max 3 Seats
    for clients

  • Distance is km

  • Estimated time is

Click to select

How much does it cost to get a Private Taxi from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport?

The cost to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport by Private Taxi is 321.1 . This can carry up to 3 persons.

How long does it take to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport?

The average travel time to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport is minutes.

How far is Trieste Airport from Marina Aci Pomer?

The road distance from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer is approximately km.

The price to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport by a Private Minivan 8 is 416.1 and it should take about minutes.
Private Minivan 8

Private Minivan 8 ?

  • Max 8 Seats
    for clients

  • Distance is km

  • Estimated time is

Click to select

How much does it cost to get a Private Minivan 8 from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport?

The cost to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport by Private Minivan 8 is 416.1 . This can carry up to 8 persons.

How long does it take to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport?

The average travel time to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport is minutes.

How far is Trieste Airport from Marina Aci Pomer?

The road distance from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer is approximately km.

You have just selected in Croatia, Marina Aci Pomer Transfer to Trieste Airport.
To choose your desire VEHICLE just click on the radio button next to Click to select and then click Submit your car and go to next step from your booking.
If you need to select your RETURN transfer or just another transfer, just go back to the TOP FORM and click RETURN.
You'll can selected One Way Transfer or Return Transfer by clicking the radio buton.

The prices and the time to get from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer are below in case you need RETURN transfer
The price for Private Taxi to get from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer is 287.3 and it should take about minutes.
Private Taxi

Private Taxi ?

  • Max 3 Seats
    for clients

  • Distance is km

  • Estimated time is

Click to select

How much does it cost a Private Taxi from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer?

The cost from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer by Private Taxi which can carry up to 3 persons is 287.3 .

How long does it take to get from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer?

The average travel time between Trieste Airport and Marina Aci Pomer is minutes.

How far is Marina Aci Pomer from Trieste Airport?

The road distance from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer is approximately km.

The price for Private Minivan 8 to get from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer is 372.3 and it should take about minutes.
Private Minivan 8

Private Minivan 8 ?

  • Max 8 Seats
    for clients

  • Distance is km

  • Estimated time is

Click to select

How much does it cost a Private Minivan 8 from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer?

The cost from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer by Private Minivan 8 which can carry up to 8 persons is 372.3 .

How long does it take to get from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer?

The average travel time between Trieste Airport and Marina Aci Pomer is minutes.

How far is Marina Aci Pomer from Trieste Airport?

The road distance from Trieste Airport to Marina Aci Pomer is approximately km.

Get from Marina Aci Pomer (Croatia) to Trieste Airport, transfer by taxi or minivan

How to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport?

Usually to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport you have options like, tram, bus, train, taxi, chaufferur (private taxi or private minivan), ride sharing or rent a car

One of the best option to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport is a pre-booked transfer by a private taxi or a private minivan with fixed price. In certain periods of the year we may be able to book for Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport minibuses or coaches for larger groups, and executive or vip cars for high end requirements.

When is departure time for Marina Aci Pomer transfer to Trieste Airport?

    The departure time varies for each type transfer.
  1. For Private Transfers the departure time will be set by you in the booking form from this page.

Where is the starting point for Marina Aci Pomer transfer to Trieste Airport?

    The starting point varies for each type transfer. All details about each location will be sent by email in the booking confirmation.
  1. For Private Transfers the pick-up point will be from your address and this will be filled by you in the reservation form on step 2.

How to book a private transfer to get from Marina Aci Pomer to Trieste Airport in Christian Transfers Croatia platform?

  1. Select in website menu the date(s) of travel, pick-up and drop off point, number of tourists, one way or return;
  2. Click "Find transfer" and the website will go to the search results page, the page with the cars available for your request;
  3. Select you car by clicking the radio button near the price;
  4. Select your car and go to the next step where you will complete your travel details, like Pick-up and Drop-off addresses;
  5. Go to the next step where you'll pay secure online by card;
  6. You'll receive an email with confirmation about the travel details, you'll check and confirm this by email;
  7. The entire booking online by our website might last under 5-7 minutes.

Why use Christian Transfers private transfers from Marina Aci Pomer when you are in Croatia?

  1. Reliability and convenience because of the carefully selected local transportation companies;
  2. Save money & time with fixed rates, no hidden charges, no surge or dinamic prices, no charge for excess luggage;
  3. No surprises about Airport Meet and Greet;
  4. 24 hours pick-up or drop-off, vehicle and passenger seat insurance, friendly hotel or resort orientation;
  5. Door to door service for private transfers, monitored flight and train schedule for airports and stations pickups;
  6. Christian Transfers can arrange any type of private transportation from Marina Aci Pomer for any party size to most of the destinations you might need in Croatia or countries around;
  7. Private taxi for transfers or minivans for groups, minibuses and coaches are available on the website or on request.

What type of cars can you book in Christian Transfers marketplace in Croatia?

    Cars may vary from one location to another, but most of the times we can book for your group the followings cars with our local subcontractors:
  1. Private Taxi for 1-3 people; Toyota, Skova, Volfskwagen, Renault, Dacia, Ford;
  2. Private Minivans for up to 8 people, Mercedes Vito, Volkswagen Transporter, Ford Transit, Renault Trafic;
  3. Executive Cars for up to 3 people, Mercedes E Classe, Audi A6, BMW serie 5;
  4. Executive Minivans for up to 7 people, Mercedes V Classe, Mercedes Viano;
  5. VIP Cars for up to 3 people, Mercedes S Class, Audi A8, BMW Serie 7, Bentley, Rolls Royce;
  6. Private Minibuses for up to 22 people, Mercedes Sprinter, Volfskwagen Crafter, Ford Transit;
  7. Private Coaches for up to 50 people, Mercedes Turismo, Setra.

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